The Sunshine Factor

where sunshine is a way of life

Super Sweet Blogger Award


Super Sweet Blogging Award

Super Sweet Blogging Award

Anyone who knows me well knows that when I am extremely happy and excited, I say “Eeeeeeekkkkkk!!!”  (it is not a case of seeing a mouse, ha ha).  Well, today I am shrieking in a good way,  because dear petrel41 of has nominated me for The Super Sweet Blogger Award.  Thank you so much, Petrel!  It is such an honor to receive this award.  I will thus list the rules for accepting a nomination:

  • Thank the Super Sweet Blogger that nominated you.
  • Answer the five super sweet questions.
  • Include the Super Sweet blogging award image in your blog post.
  • Nominate a Baker’s Dozen (13) bloggers for this award.
  • Notify your nominees on their blog.

The 5 Super Sweet Questions:

  1. Cookies or Cake? I used to be the original Cookie Monster, but now my allegiance is to cake.
  2. Chocolate or Vanilla? Vanilla.
  3. Favourite Sweet Treat?  Pudding.
  4. When do you crave sweet things the most? Late afternoon or after dinner.
  5. Sweet Nick Name?  from my husband:  Sweet, or Sweet Peach; from my father-in-law:  Sweet One.

Here are my nominees:

1.  Lyn at

2.  Cindy at

3.  Aimi at

4.  Sophia at


6.  J. H. White at

7.  Shandra at

8.  Shawn at

9.  Harula at

10.  Jahan at

11.  Doris at

12.  Elaine at

13.  Heather at

These nominees are some of the sweetest people I know.  I hope you will visit their blogs!

And thank you to ALL of my “peeps” for sending comments and other encouragements.  They are really nice to receive!  🙂

Happy Saturday,



Author: Debb Stanton

I am an optimistic, positive person who is a seven year cancer survivor. Since that time I have learned that getting a cancer diagnosis does not always mean an automatic death sentence. I like to share my hope with others and continue to encourage them - no matter who they are or what they need encouragement for. I write poems, prayers, articles, and stories. Recently the premiere issue of my online magazine, launched. Thank you for visiting!

10 thoughts on “Super Sweet Blogger Award

  1. This is so so kind of you and I will get to this as soon as I have a decent amount of time to give it the attention it deserves ; ) Thank you again!

  2. Thank you, Thank you!!!

  3. Hi Debb, this is so kind of you, I’m really thrilled that you’d think to nominate me! 🙂 Great way to start my week. Thanks!

  4. Hi Debb, thanks I’m touched. You are sweet too! 😉

  5. Congratulations, well deserved, and thanks so much for the nomination! Wishing you the sweetest of Sundays:-) By the way…loving your new theme/bakcground/layout/design.

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